题名 | 紫外光条件下氯霉素的光解动力学及其毒性变化研究 |
其他题名 | Investigation of photolytic kinetics and toxicity of chloramphenicol under ultraviolent irradiation |
作者 | |
学位类型 | 硕士 |
导师 | 王学东 |
答辩日期 | 2014-06-04 |
学位授予单位 | 温州医科大学 |
学位专业 | 中药学 |
关键词 | CAP 光降解 紫外照射 高效液相色谱 斑马鱼 光致毒 |
摘要 | 氯霉素(CAP)属于酞胺醇类广谱抗生素,广泛应用于水产养殖,是环境中特别是水产养殖区及附近水域中普遍存在的一类抗生素,研究其环境转化、归趋和生态风险具有重要意义。表层水体中,光化学降解是CAP污染物的主要消减方式。因此我们针对于CAP在水体中的一系列光解反应和光致毒效应进行了分析。本实验以CAP为研究对象,以汞灯为光源,研究了CAP浓度、光照强度、溶液 pH、硝酸根(NO3- )、溶剂类型和活性氧簇(ROS)抑制剂对CAP光解的影响;分别对温州市温瑞塘河一级、二级及三级典型河道的水样进行了采集,考察了CAP在10个河道水样中的光解速率变化情况;利用模式生物斑马鱼建立生物模型,对CAP光解过程中的毒性变化进行了评价。主要结论如下:1、CAP的光解符合光解一级动力学公式。CAP的浓度升高会导致光解速率一定程度的下降。2、光照强度显著影响CAP的光解。CAP光解速率随着光照强度的增强而逐渐增大,但是随着光强的增大光解速率并不是成直线上升的。3、溶液pH对CAP的光解有明显影响。pH值为6左右时CAP光解速率最高,溶液pH高于或低于此值时,光解速率均降低,且碱性条件下影响较大。4、在NO3- 浓度为0-12.5 mol/L,添加NO3- 可对CAP的光解表现出一定的促进作用,超出该范围,光解速率随 NO3- 的加入而逐渐减小,故低浓度 NO3- 的加入能够促进光解进行。5、在二甲基亚砜(DMSO)溶液中,CAP的光解速率远低于在纯水中的速率,可能因为羟基自由基(•OH)在CAP的光解过程中起到很重要作用。6、叠氮化钠(NaN3)对CAP的光解起到一定的抑制作用,可能因为单线态氧(1O2)在CAP光解中有一定的促进作用。7、在环境实际水体中,所表现出来的CAP的光解速率明显低于纯水中,本研究中虽然未发现水体中的各组份与CAP的光解速率有显著的相关性,但贡献率表明NO3- 和NO2- 与CAP光解速率呈正相关,与单因素研究时得出的结论是一致的。此外,CAP的光解速率在pH>6时随着的pH的增高而降低,这也与单因素研究中的结论相吻合。8、利用模式生物斑马鱼的胚胎为试材,在研究CAP光解过程中毒性变化情况时发现,起始阶段时CAP的毒性随着光解过程的发展而增加,但当光解进行一定时间后,其对斑马鱼胚胎的毒性开始逐渐降低。这可能是因为CAP在光解初期分解为毒性更大的中间产物或产生了活性氧簇,从而对生物体造成一定的损伤,表现为光敏化毒性;后期随着光解的进行,上述物质进一步被分解而表现出毒性减。 |
其他摘要 | Chloramphenicol (CAP) is a widely used antibiotic in the treatment of human disease, livestock and aquaculture.It has been an emerging class of environmental pollutants [1-3]. Due to the special use in aquaculture, CAP directly contaminates the nearby rivers or seas [4-6]. Many researches on the photochemical behavior of the antibiotics have been done and the results show that photo-degradation plays a very important role in the degradation of antibiotic pollutants [7-9]. Usually studying of CAP pollutants is carried out under three conditions: non-environmental conditions, mimicked environmental conditions and environmental conditions. The water environment is a complex system, so it is necessary to assess the combined effect of dissolved substances and uncover the mechanism of photolytic dynamics from the difference between different conditions. Besides, it is also very important to the study of toxic variation in the photolysis process because of its toxicity and huge impact.The photochemical reaction is a reaction triggered by the absorption of photons. Photochemical process is a very complicated reaction process which involves multiple processes and reactions. In general photochemical reactions are divided into two categories: primary photolysis reaction and secondary photolysis reaction. The primary photochemical reaction includes the following types: photo-isomerization, intra-molecular rearrangement, photosensitive reaction and light polymerization. The secondary light reaction is the thermodynamic reactions of the primary light reaction products under environment conditions and is generally triggered by the intermediate products of the primary photochemical reactions. Secondary reaction is not related with the absorption of light wavelengths but the light intensity.High performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and gas chromatography (GC) are the two main methods to quantitate CAP. GC has a high analytic speed and separation efficiency because the samples are in gas phase and can instantly reach equilibrium between the fluent phase and stable phase. The detection limit of GC is very low thus GC is used to detect traces of antibiotics. HPLC detection of CAP is regarded as a sensitive and reliable method although its detection limit is higher, probably in the range of 5-10 μg / kg, and the recycling rate lower. And this method is reproducible and with less false-positive results. HPLC has been a common tool to detect CAP with basically clear conditions. CAP has a strong UV absorption at 204 nm, and therefore can be analyzed directly by HPLC-determination of UVD. C18 column is mostly used with methanol or acetonitrile as the fluent phase. Here we investigated the influence of single factors (light intensity, nitrate, pH, solvent, NaN3) on the photolytic dynamics of CAP in pure water. Also we tested the photolytic kinetics of CAP in environmental water from Wenruitang River (Wenzhou, China) and analyzed the differences. Finally we used zebrafish as a model organism to study the toxicity of the CAP in the process of photolysis. |
语种 | 中文 |
学号 | 2009010713 |
发布年限 | 2010-05-27 |
毕业论文分类号 | 0R02 |
原始专题 | 环境与公共卫生学院 |
学位论文研究方向 | 氯霉素的光解以及毒性变化研究 |
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全文文件名 | 2009010713孙海罗2012中药学.pdf|2009010713孙海罗2012中药学.pdf |
文献类型 | 学位论文 |
条目标识符 | https://kms.wmu.edu.cn/handle/3ETUA0LF/117524 |
专题 | 温州医科大学 |
作者单位 | 溫州医科大学环境与公共卫生学院 |
推荐引用方式 GB/T 7714 | 孙海罗. 紫外光条件下氯霉素的光解动力学及其毒性变化研究[D]. 温州医科大学,2014. |
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